SOA Adoption Factors in E-Banking: An Empirical Analysis from the Practical Perspective

SOA Adoption Factors in E-Banking: An Empirical Analysis from the Practical Perspective

Seyed Hossein Siadat, Sajjad Shokohyar, Sara Shafahi
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJISSS.2019010102
(Individual Articles)
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Nowadays a lack of integration among software services and databases has become a major IT problem in many organizations including banking industries. Service oriented architecture (SOA) is the most recent and comprehensive method among the different methods and technologies proposed for integrity implementation. One of the main reasons for banks' failure in achieving the benefits of SOA is lack of a framework that includes all critical factors in SOA adoption. The aim of this article is to identify and analyze the influential factors (organizational, technical, environmental and human) on SOA adoption in e-banking and providing a comprehensive framework that explains these factors. Such a framework enhances the decision-making and enables banks to achieve the benefits of SOA. In order to gather operational data, questionnaire and interview had been used. The conceptual framework was investigated using Smart PLS and SPSS software. The empirical data investigation and interpretation shows that: organizational, technical, human and environmental factors are crucial for SOA adoption.
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Literature Review

Today, organizations face with unsteady competition environment, which fluctuates rapidly. These fluctuations are due to different factors such as technological changes, shortening of products life-cycle and globalization of economy (Siadat et al., 2014; Nakamur et al., 2011). The underlying information technology systems should be able to support the integration of the new and old processes (Aulkemeier et al., 2016; Shahsavarani & Ji, 2014). Banks are not immune from these changes in addition their efforts for improving services through information technology have led to the development of various incompatible systems and customers attitude towards various bank technologies is not the same, and is influenced by different factors (Mansour et al., 2013). This condition causes different system integration problems that banks faced with (Alghatani, 2015).

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