Societal Challenges and New Technologies: Education in a Changing World

Societal Challenges and New Technologies: Education in a Changing World

Rosa Bottino
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/IJCEE.2016010104
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Education is facing challenges and issues that arise both on the changing needs of modern society and on difficulties to which it has always been difficult to offer effective solutions. This paper, considering this general context, briefly introduces the research field of Educational Technology and identifies and discusses two main lines of evolution that have characterized this sector from its beginning. Then, some perspectives that depict the current situation are proposed. The aim is to sketch a framework to support the understanding of the variety of approaches and research questions assumed by research studies in the field of educational technology.
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Educational Technology As A Research Sector

Educational Technology, in the European arena often referred to as “Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)”, is a non-traditional and relatively new research field that was born in the past century around the mid-sixties. Even if it was at times regarded as belonging either to pedagogy, information and communication technologies (ICT), cognitive science, or to the specific disciplinary fields where new technology is applied, it has progressively established itself at the international level as an autonomous interdisciplinary research sector with its own journals, conferences, proper funding programmes, university and research centres. For example, in Italy, the National Research Council (CNR) was a pioneer in this field with the establishment, in 1974, of the Institute for Educational Technology (ITD), the only public scientific institution devoted entirely to this sector.

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