Students' Perceptions of the Laptop Program: What Factors Should be Considered Before Implementing the Program?

Students' Perceptions of the Laptop Program: What Factors Should be Considered Before Implementing the Program?

Chuleeporn Changchit, Robert. Cutshall, Susan Elwood
DOI: 10.4018/jicte.2006040105
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Due to a rapid increase in the usage of information technology, several companies are demanding that graduates have more than just the basic computer skills when they graduate. This has prompted many universities to initiate a campus laptop program in order to increase their students’ computer experiences and skill sets. The success of a laptop program relies heavily on the extent to which the laptop environment is accepted and wholeheartedly implemented by students and faculty. Defining the conception factors necessary to successfully implement a laptop initiative becomes a critical issue to the success of the program. This study examines university students’ perceptions of a required laptop program to determine what factors that they think are crucial for the success of such a program. By understanding what factors encourage students to support a laptop initiative, such a program can be made more useful to students as well as more beneficial to universities.

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