Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review and Implications for Future Research

Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review and Implications for Future Research

Anilkumar E.N., Sridharan R.
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 38
DOI: 10.4018/IJSDA.2019070102
(Individual Articles)
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Sustainability, the simultaneous management of economic, environmental and social dimensions in a supply chain is a challenging research area in supply chain management. Researchers have adopted different techniques to integrate the three components of sustainability. But the relationship between different sustainability initiatives and the performance outcomes are still to be analyzed systematically. In the present study, the review of various works published in sustainable supply chain management domain is carried out with a hybrid method of meta-analysis and content analysis. The research papers were selected based on different theories of sustainable development. The theories considered in the present study are the following; theory of population ecology, resource-based view theory, natural resource-based view theory, resource dependence theory, stakeholder theory, and transaction cost economics theory. The developments in the sustainable supply chain management area and the methodologies used for modelling and analysis are reviewed using this hybrid method by carefully analyzing the literature published during the period 2005-2017. This review will enable researchers in identifying the potential areas for research on sustainable supply chain management.
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2. Insights From Previous Literature Reviews

The successful implementation of sustainability practices is a challenging task for any organisation and hence to develop a better understanding of the issues related to sustainability implementation, a systematic literature review based on a hybrid model of meta-analysis and content analysis is proposed in this paper. There have been several review papers published in SSCM area and these review papers are only partially explaining the research methodology issues in SSCM and only a few papers explain the different models and methods used for SSCM analysis.

Rajeev et al. (2017) have studied the evolution of sustainability through the analysis of 1068 peer reviewed journal papers published during the period 2000 – 2015. The researchers have also presented a detailed study on 190 papers which cover the three pillars (economic, environmental and social) of sustainability. The researchers have concluded that the research papers covering all the three pillars of sustainability and social dimensions are very less in number and industry specific studies are required to tackle the sustainability issues especially in emerging economies.

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