Technology Acceptance and Performance: An Investigation into Requisite Knowledge

Technology Acceptance and Performance: An Investigation into Requisite Knowledge

Thomas E. Marshall, Terry A. Byrd, Lorraine R. Gardiner, R. Kelly Rainer Jr.
Copyright: © 2000 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/irmj.2000070104
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Organizations expend large amounts of educational and training resources to improve employee task and job performance. These resources must be allocated efficiently and effectively to increase the probability of organizational success. Information technology (IT) is one organizational area in which education and training are particularly important, largely because IT has redefined the requisite skills for functional competency in the workplace. Through an empirical study, this research investigates how knowledge bases contribute to subjects’ attitudes and performance in the use of a CASE tool in database design. The study identified requisite knowledge bases and knowledge base interactions that significantly impacted subjects’ attitudes and performance. Based upon these findings, alternatives are provided to management that may help organizations increase the performance benefits of technology use and promote more positive attitudes towards technology innovation acceptance and adoption. By structuring education and training efforts to increase performance and enhance positive attitudes, organizations will be better able to optimize their investments in information technology innovations.

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