The Educational Contribution of Interactive Whiteboards

The Educational Contribution of Interactive Whiteboards

James W. Davis
DOI: 10.4018/IJCSSA.2018010105
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Interactive whiteboards (IWBs) are a key element of smart technology being used in classrooms. The principal concern when using interactive whiteboards in an educational setting is how effectively IWB's serve the student and the instructor. A key question is whether the high cost of interactive whiteboards is providing enough value to justify the cost. The purpose of this article is to provide a preliminary exploration of the perceptions of students and teachers regarding their use of IWBs. The study also discusses the factor of bias that might influence these perceptions. This study reported preliminary results of what will be a larger report on the full content analysis. However, preliminary results showed wide variance between teacher and student perceptions of interactive whiteboard use that suggests a need for further research.
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Literature Review

The technology behind interactive whiteboards is approximately 15 years old. In that time, a considerable amount has been written about IWBs effectiveness in the classroom.

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