The Impact of Clickers Use on Vocabulary Knowledge and Satisfaction in an EFL Class in China

The Impact of Clickers Use on Vocabulary Knowledge and Satisfaction in an EFL Class in China

Yu Zhonggen
DOI: 10.4018/ijicte.2014070104
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Clickers are catching growing attention in education. This study, using data collected from a questionnaire, forty content words, and a vocabulary knowledge scale, aims to identify if clickers can enhance EFL (English as a foreign language) vocabulary knowledge and raise students' satisfaction level compared with the traditional multimedia-based instruction. Gender differences were also explored. Data from 115 EFL learners showed that: (1) Clickers-based instruction significantly increased participants' satisfaction level compared with traditional multimedia-based instruction in an EFL class; (2) Clickers-based instruction significantly enhanced participants' vocabulary knowledge compared with traditional multimedia-based instruction in an EFL class; (3) Males were significantly more satisfied with clickers-based instruction than females in an EFL class and there were no significant gender differences in satisfaction levels under multimedia-based instruction; (4) Males obtained significantly more vocabulary knowledge than females under clickers-based instruction, while females obtained significantly more vocabulary knowledge than males under multimedia-based instruction.
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2. Literature Review

Previous studies on use of multimedia and clickers, satisfaction of clickers users, gender differences in use of educational technologies will be reviewed in this section.

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