The Theory and Implementation of InputValidator: A Semi-Automated Value-Level Bypass Testing Tool

The Theory and Implementation of InputValidator: A Semi-Automated Value-Level Bypass Testing Tool

J. Miller, L. Zhang, E. Ofuonye, M. Smith
DOI: 10.4018/jitwe.2008070103
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The construction and testing of Web-based systems has become more complex and challenging because of continual innovations in technology. Security is a major concern, particularly for the deployment of mission critical applications. One of the principal vulnerabilities in Webbased systems revolves around insufficient and inappropriate input validation, a deficiency that can be exploited by attacks that bypass client-side checking. This article describes a partially automated mechanism, the tool InputValidator, which seeks to address this issue by sending test data directly to the server to test the robustness and security of the back-end software. The tool allows a user to construct, execute, and evaluate a number of test cases through a formfilling exercise instead of writing bespoke test code.

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