To the Problem of Factor Analysis Innovativeness of Plant Industry Development

To the Problem of Factor Analysis Innovativeness of Plant Industry Development

Oleksandr Oliynyk, Ganna Morozova, Halyna Nagaeva, Valery Shevchenko
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/IJITPM.311852
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The article deals with the problems of factor analysis of the innovativeness of plant industry development. The methodical approach to the quantitative assessment of the factors of patterns of change in profit as a criterion for innovation of the development of the plant industry is substantiated. The use of sound methodological approach allows to identify the presence or absence of innovative development and to quantify the impact of technological, marketing and economic innovations on the trends of economic dynamics of the industry. It has been proven that marketing and technology are the most common innovations in all the objects studied, while insufficient attention is paid to innovation in the area of operating expenses.
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Therefore, the study of the nature, components and factors influencing the innovative development of plant industry in the context of inflation and unstable political and economic situation are of particular importance, are relevant and determine the expediency of consideration of this issue.

Considerable attention has been paid to the research of the problems of innovative development, both in the theoretical aspect and in the practice of production of products of the plant industry, in the works of scientists (Yermolayev, 2010; Iliashenko & Shipulina, 2010; Pokotylov, 2009; Rossokha, 2009; Sabluk, Shpykuliak, & Kurylo, 2010).

A wide range of scientific works is devoted to measuring the level of innovative development of enterprises. There is a strong belief that development innovativeness should be a subject of governance, including the evaluation stage, as information on the state and dynamics of innovation activity is important for both business leaders and regional governments. On this basis, Opekun & Khatskevich (2011) believes that assessing the level of innovation development is a complex and urgent task, the solution of which is to develop methodological approaches to its measurement.

Herewith it should be understood that innovativeness, as an indicator of measurement is a complex integral indicator that characterizes the degree of innovativeness of the enterprise.

According to Sadkov, Mashegov & Zbiniakova (2006) this indicator should evaluate the final results of the effectiveness of innovation processes, in order to obtain a holistic system of criteria for innovativeness in terms of individual components, to allow it to represent through the hierarchy of local criteria and to determine the directions of increasing the innovativeness of development through the impact on structural elements used in its calculation.

The bibliographic analysis revealed various methods of assessing the level of innovative development both at the level of an individual enterprise, district or region, and at the level of the country as a whole. Thus, Opekun & Khatskevich (2011) proposed to calculate the innovative development index for each enterprise on the basis of indicators calculated by national statistics to evaluate the innovativeness of development, in order to further compare this index with the index as a whole by industry and to perform dynamic and structural analysis.

As a weighted average product of 5 indices (costs for innovation activity, production of innovative product, own financing of innovative activity, new technology or technology and level of education of the personnel) Abibullayev (2004) suggests to evaluate the level of innovative development of the enterprise. In order to determine the degree of significance, the author proposes to use the method of expert evaluation.

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