Towards Efficient Spectrum Utilization with Polarization-Based Architectures

Towards Efficient Spectrum Utilization with Polarization-Based Architectures

Thomas G. Pratt, Jun Chen, Farzad Talebi
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/IJHCR.2015040101
(Individual Articles)
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Space-polarization MIMO architectures are proposed as a contributing technology to advance efficient spectrum utilization. These architectures have the advantage of leveraging both space and polarization channel correlations, opening the door to diversities and to the effective application of technologies at both the transmit side and the receive side to support spectrum efficiency and sharing. In this paper the authors review some of their work associated with polarization and space-polarization architectures, including channel modeling, sounding and parameter estimation to assist in the development of frequency-selective parametric models for performance characterizations; wideband polarimetric signal suppression; adaptive transmission for interference avoidance; and linear precoding with adaptive power control for energy-efficient communications in packet erasure channels.
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2. Mimo System Architectures

The specific polarization-based MIMO architectures considered in our work includes dual-polarization MIMO (DP-MIMO) architectures and space-polarization MIMO (SP-MIMO) architectures. As shown in Figure 1, DP-MIMO architectures incorporate orthogonally-polarized elements that share a common phase center at each transceiver, leading to a 2X2 MIMO configuration. The DP-MIMO architecture can be expanded to incorporate additional space channels, for example to yield a 4X4 SP-MIMO system, as shown in Figure 2. In this case there are 16 individual paths (and 256 correlations) that help to characterize the MIMO channel.

Figure 1.

Dual-polarized MIMO system

Figure 2.

Space-polarized MIMO system


Polarization-based MIMO architectures offer certain advantages relative to more conventional co-polarized arrays. First, in space-constrained applications, one strategy for increasing system capacity is to employ a dual-polarized antenna at each antenna location.

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