Understanding Ethical and Other SMEs Internationalisation Determinants and Its Impact on Business Performance: A Primary Attempt to Understand Malaysian SMEs Internationalisation

Understanding Ethical and Other SMEs Internationalisation Determinants and Its Impact on Business Performance: A Primary Attempt to Understand Malaysian SMEs Internationalisation

Adyzakrie Mohamad Zaki, Hatem El-Gohary, David Edwards
DOI: 10.4018/IJCRMM.2021010101
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The research in hand attempts to investigate the different factors influencing SMEs' decision to internationalise in developing countries (such as Malaysia) including the impacts of ethical issues on the internationalisation decision process. The study also attempts to investigate the impact of internationalisation adoption on SMEs' business performance since the relationship remains vague. The study will deepen the understanding of the complex interrelationship between internationalisation determinants (that influence top management's decision to internationalise), and how such factors (internal and external) might affect SMEs' business performance. Based on the outcomes of such investigation and extensive exploratory study, an acceptable and comprehensive conceptual framework will be presented to investigate and understand the different factors influencing internationalisation adoption by Malaysian SMEs and its impact on companies' performance.
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2. Aims And Objectives

The study seeks to investigate an appropriate framework in understanding factors influencing Malaysian SMEs’ decision to internationalise by exploring extant literature, as well as collecting empirical data through semi-structured interviews. The research then continued exploring and purifying the factors influencing Malaysian SMEs to internationalise through empirical study. Subsequently, this paper will evaluate the impact of internationalisation adoption on Malaysia SMEs’ business performance.

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