The Use of Information Technology in Teaching Accounting in Egypt: Case of Becker Professional Review

The Use of Information Technology in Teaching Accounting in Egypt: Case of Becker Professional Review

Khaled Dahawy, Sherif Kamel
Copyright: © 2006 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/jcit.2006070106
(Individual Articles)
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The use of information and communication technology has become an integral component and a vital tool in teaching accounting. Over the last few decades, the blend of using state-of-the-art technologies has improved the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. Respectively, some predict that physical campuses will decay and crumble in the near future with the continuous growth of borderless societies and the diffusion of extended enterprises leading to a hybrid model for knowledge delivery that extends beyond distance and time barriers. The main emphasis of this case is to study the deployment of technology in teaching accounting in Egypt, using the case of Becker Professional Review in providing trainees with the required training that enables them to pass exams and get professional certification using emerging information technology tools and techniques. The case demonstrates how information technology adaptation can provide a platform for knowledge dissemination and demonstrates a model that can be replicated in similar environments.

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