Web Information System Platforms for Publishing Spatial Data

Web Information System Platforms for Publishing Spatial Data

Crescenzio Gallo, Franco Malatacca, Angelo Fratello
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/jwp.2013040103
(Individual Articles)
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The best tools to manage the exchange of information and services between heterogeneous subjects through new technological tools with particular reference to information systems are certainly the Web-based information systems. Leveraging the infrastructure of the Web, these systems may be able to handle multimedia data, to perform distributed and cooperative applications based on service, in addition to customizing applications and related data. This paper provides an overview on Web Information Systems with particular reference to GIS, presenting a description of the usage scenarios and a comparison between two significant platform for publishing spatial data.
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2. Geography And Cartography

Many representations of events and things also related to temporal aspects are based on cartography and geography. Maps and geographical information are vital to our way of knowing the world, with an infinite complexity that comes with a multitude of choices about what and how to represent them.

For clarity we distinguish geography by mapping defining them as follows: geography analyzes and explains the phenomena on Earth’s surface and helps us to increase our understanding of the world, whereas mapping helps to develop theories, concepts and skills to describe and display events, models and processes of geography with an emphasis on communication.

Both are dynamic entities that involve a wide range of theories, concepts and skills subject to constant development and improvement. The relationship between geography and cartography tends to change with the progressive evolution of technology, but the basic concepts of these two disciplines established in thousands of years are still important. With the help of technology today we have an easier and more intuitive approach to the use of these resources, which in the past were mostly managed by experts (cartographers and geographers).

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