A Wireless Networking Curriculum Model for Network Engineering Technology Programs

A Wireless Networking Curriculum Model for Network Engineering Technology Programs

Raymond A. Hansen, Anthony H. Smith, Julie R. Mariga
DOI: 10.4018/jicte.2007040106
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Wireless networking is experiencing explosive growth, both in market size and the number of new standards and technologies. Effectively educating students, both at the undergraduate and graduate level, with the abilities to evaluate, implement, and integrate wireless networks should be a key part of any information technology (IT) education program for the foreseeable future. The Computer & Information Technology Department (CIT) at Purdue University is in a unique position to fulfill this educational need through its wireless networking curriculum. This curriculum currently offers three courses within the network engineering technology program, covering topics from 802.11 networking to 3G cellular, wireless network security and manage-ment to WWAN technologies. Each course includes trend analysis of wireless networking in order to effectively prepare students for employment in this area. This paper discusses the existing wireless networking curriculum by providing a brief perspective of previous course content and detailing each current course in the areas of prerequisite knowledge, intended audience, course content, and lecture/laboratory integration.

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