Editorial Advisory Board
Nancy Mactague, Research and Electronic Resources Librarian Aurora University, USA
Nancy J. Mactague currently provides reference, instruction, and outreach services at Aurora University in Illinois and also been a university library director and art librarian. She has a special interest in the provision of academic student support services in higher education, about which she has spoken and been published in the United States and Europe. She holds Doctor of Education and Master's degrees in Art History and Library Science.
Paul Glassman, Felician College, USA
Paul Glassman is Associate Professor and Director of the Library at Felician College, the Franciscan College of New Jersey, and teaches art librarianship and library design in the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers. He co-edited the Handbook of Art and Design Librarianship, published in London by Facet, and is a frequent reviewer and contributor to Library Journal.
Brian Coutts, Western Kentucky University, USA
Brian Coutts is head of the Department of Library Public Services at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green. He's co-author of three reference books and a contributor to several others. He has also selected the "Best Reference Sources of the Year" for Library Journal for more than two decades, chairs the Resources for College Libraries Editorial Board, and serves on the ACRL Publications Coordinating Committee. He holds a Ph.D. in Latin American History from Louisiana State University.
Kathryn Bartelt, University of Evansville, USA
Kathy Bartelt, MSLS from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, currently holds the position of Collection Development/Acquisitions Librarian at the University of Evansville Libraries. Prior to this recent appointment, she served as the Collection Management Librarian at Evansville overseeing circulation and interlibrary loan activities. She is active in the Indiana Library Federation, serving on the boards of the Indiana Academic Library Association and the ILL/Circulation Division.
Sue Polanka, Wright State University Libraries, USA
Sue Polanka is the moderator of “No Shelf Required,” a blog about the issues surrounding e-books for librarians and publishers. She has been a reference and instruction librarian for 20 years at public, state, and academic libraries in Ohio and Texas and is currently the Head of Reference and Instruction at the Wright State University Libraries in Dayton, Ohio. She has served on Booklist’s Reference Books Bulletin Advisory Board for 10 years, acting as Chair from 2007-2010, and she also writes a column for RBB, Off The Shelf, discussing electronic reference issues.
Eloise Hitchcock, Cumberland University, USA
Eloise Hitchcock is an Associate Professor and Director of the Doris & Harry Vise Library at Cumberland University. Before coming to Cumberland, she was the Associate Library Director at Western Carolina University. She has also previously held positions at Tennessee Technological University, Middle Tennessee State University, University of the South and Berea College. Eloise holds a B.S. degree in history from Technological University and an M.S.L.S. from the University of Tennessee.
Robert T. Ivey, University of Memphis Libraries, USA
Robert T. Ivey is Catalog Librarian and Associate Professor at the University of Memphis, where he creates original or complex adaptive cataloging records for monographs and audio-visual formats and is an LC Classification specialist. He is also the author of Perceptions of the Future of Cataloging: Is the Sky Really Falling? (Routledge, 2009). He holds a Master’s in Library Science and a Ph.D. in Romance Philology from University of North Carolina
Margaret Heilbrun, Library Journal, USA
Margaret Heilbrun is associate editor, Library Journal Book Review, where she oversees selecting, assigning, and editing books for review in categories across the humanities and social sciences, as well as professional library literature. She holds an MLS from Columbia University as well as a subject Masters in American Civilization. Prior to coming to Library Journal, she held positions at the New-York Historical Society, including manuscripts cataloger, curator of manuscripts, and library director. She is editor of Inventing the Skyline: The Architecture of Cass Gilbert (Columbia University Press, 2000).
Ari Sigal, Catawba Valley Community College, USA and Appalachian State University, USA
Ari Sigal received his MLS in 1985 and has since done reference and administrative work in public, academic, and special libraries. Since 2004, he has worked for Catawba Valley Community College, Hickory, NC as Library Director (to 2009) and currently as Director of the Accessing Scholarly Knowledge Program, an innovative service providing research to students, faculty, and staff as well as the community. From 2003-2006, he reviewed nonfiction books for Library Journal. Since 2007, Ari has been an adjunct instructor for the Program in Library Science at Appalachian State University.
Vicki Bloom Indiana University South Bend, USA
Vicki Bloom is the Dean of Library Services at Indiana University South Bend. Prior to her appointment in 2010, she headed Reference Services at the University of California Riverside’s Rivera Library. Over the course of her 30 year career, she has worked in academic, special and medical libraries. Currently a member of ARCL and LAMA, Vicki was active for many years in the CODES and MARS sections of ALA’s RUSA division chairing/participating on the Reference Sources Committee, Dartmouth Medal Committee, Best Free Reference Web, and the Louis B. Shores Medal, and others. She received her M.S. in Library Science from Wayne State University in Detroit.