This book is about the "critical aspects" of human resource development. Critical is a strong word, that may have many meanings. In this book it means "hugely significant" and deserve action. Crucially they make a set of topics managers should know about, Therefore this book could work as a "handbook to deal with crisis" because we seek to know not only what the critical topics are, but also what are theories about these problems and how these problems have been dealt in practice. So we seek concepts theories and practical cases about "critical topics on hrm" .
Each author will have to explain how the topic chosen is "critical"
The impact in the book will be considerable because we intend to find theories about the critical topics and also a set of practices. As previously mentioned it will be like a "compendium" about topics that usually are analyzed in separation - and this will be interesting for researchers because they will be able easily to make some connections about topics that usually are analyzed separately and connections are fundamental in social and human sciences.