Due to the emergence of mobile technology and the high penetration of mobile phones, marketers are increasingly incorporating mobile marketing in their promotional strategies all over the world. Because of the differences in consumers’ needs and preferences, consumers’ adoption of mobile marketing varies across cultures. Thus, a standardized approach may not work in different cultures. Markers need to customize their strategies based on the customers’ needs of each individual country. Thus, marketers must have an in-depth understanding of customers’ needs and differences. This increasing proliferation of mobile marketing adoption attracts researchers to contribute to this growing body of knowledge across the globe. To facilitate this effort, this edited book will include various research studies on mobile marketing that focus on comparing multiple cultures.
This book will help marketing practitioners identify the drivers and barriers of mobile marketing adoption in different cultures. The research studies of this book will show directions for future researchers and help them identify the research gaps and explore new research opportunities.This book will serve as a central resource for marketing managers, advertising agencies, strategists, and retailers for formulating their mobile marketing strategies and identifying new market expansion opportunities. It will also benefit academicians and researchers who are looking for contemporary research studies on the challenges and opportunities in mobile marketing in different countries.