Object-Oriented Oracle

Object-Oriented Oracle

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Release Date: July, 2005|Copyright: © 2006 |Pages: 328
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-810-9
ISBN13: 9781591408109|ISBN10: 1591408105|EISBN13: 9781591406082
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Description & Coverage

The popularity of object-oriented concepts, design, and programming has stimulated the need for a database system that enables a straightforward process to store and retrieve object instances. Object-Oriented Oracle explores object-oriented features and techniques in Oracle DBMS.This book describes comprehensive and fundamental aspects of object-oriented data modeling and implementation in Oracle. It covers the implementation of structural aspects of an object model, including object types, collection types, object referencing, nested tables, and inheritance structures, as well as the behavioral aspects including encapsulated member procedures and functions.

Object-Oriented Oracle discusses the complete cycle of database design using object-oriented concepts, implementation of object-relational Oracle, and data manipulations using member procedures/functions and object-relational queries.Object-Oriented Oracle contains a wealth of information, such as case studies in every chapter, as well as exercises at the end of each chapter which helps readers to absorb the topics better, all reasons this book is a necessary collection addition for academics, researchers, educators, and IT professionals everywhere.

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Reviews & Statements

This book will be essential reading for both academic and industry professionals whose goals are to build practical systems. Xiaohua Hu, Drexel University, USA "This book serves dual purposes: to explain the principles of object oriented conceptual modelling concepts through examples and to show how these concepts can be implemented in object-oriented oracle. The interweaving in this book of actual code with the concepts make in an excellent reference source for database practitioners and implementers."

– B. Srinivasan, Monash University, Australia

This book has certain characteristics which are lacking in most books on databases or Oracle in the current market place. With the general thrust on relational databases, this book is welcome in its thorough treatment of object-oriented database concepts. Secondly, in any computer science course, a key component is the design of suitable laboratory exercises for students. This book offers well-thought out exercises which can be worked on by students in laboratory classes. This book is well-written, the concepts and techniques are carefully-explained, and the exercises are thoughtful. I would highly recommend this book to practitioners and students alike.

– Clement Leung, Ph.D., Victoria University of Technology, Australia

This book brings together theory and practice on object-oriented features of Oracle, and provides database application developers with a unique set of chapters and techniques in exploring and implementing object-oriented technology in Oracle.

– Ling Feng, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Unlike many existing books in the area, which mainly focus on Object-Relational database features independently from the design concepts, this book covers step-by-step mapping of each Object-Oriented design concept into implementation in Oracle Object-Relational database system. This book is useful for both database developers as well as database teaching instructors who want to gain more understanding about the design and implementation of the latest Object-Oriented model in Oracle database system.

– Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
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Editor/Author Biographies
Johanna Wenny Rahayu is currently an associate professor at the department of computer science and computer engineering La Trobe University, Australia. Her major research is in the area of object-relational databases, web databases and semantic web. She has published more than 70 papers appeared in international journals and conference proceedings. She has edited three books, which form a series in web applications, covering web databases, web information systems and web semantics. Currently, she is involved in a number of large projects in software development in collaboration with several industry partners in Australia.
David Taniar received his PhD in Databases from Victoria University (Australia, 1997) and is now a Senior Lecturer at Monash University (Australia). He has published more than 100 research articles and edited a number of books in the Web technology series. He is on the editorial board of a number of international journals, including Data Warehousing and Mining, Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Mobile Information Systems, Mobile Multimedia, Web Information Systems, and Web and Grid Services. He has been elected as a Fellow of the Institute for Management of Information Systems (UK).
Eric Pardede is a Lecturer at La Trobe University, Melbourne. He completed his Master of Information Technology and Doctor of Philosophy in computer science at La Trobe University He also holds a Master of Quality Management degrees from University of Wollongong and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Bandung Institute of Technology. He has co-authored a book and several research papers appeared in international journals and conference proceedings. He is an active scholar that has chairing several international conferences and workshops. His current research area is in XML Database, Data Modeling, Query Optimization, and Health Informatics.
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