Calls for Papers (special): International Journal of Adult Education and Technology (IJAET)

Special Issue On: Emerging Research for Improving Modern Education System & Society

Submission Due Date

Guest Editors
Dr. Zameer Gulzar,
BSAR Crescent Institute of Science & Technology,

Every decade Information technology is undergoing a paradigm shift, so as its effects on our education system and society. Today, we are living in an era that is technology-centric and as well as based on computational trust. The education system especially higher education has witnessed a wide variety of changes related to learning technologies, tools, pedagogy shifts, and numerous other challenges. The organizations and the Researchers are constantly contributing to innovations and new ways of improving the efficacy of the existing systems. The title wills emphasize the progress being made in higher education in terms of using modern means of education for Adult education. By studying the impact of technology on education will not only allows us to become familiar with the most recent trends in teaching and learning that are being followed but also help us to discover the new way to improve the system. Society is on the verge of an extraordinary revolution concerning Adult educational technology that involves Artificial Intelligence, Educational Data Mining, Recommendation techniques, and other Knowledge Discovery techniques which are rapidly changing the landscape of modern educational institutes and societies as well.

The objective is to resort to the latest information aspects of higher education which is ideal for Adult education from the administration point of view and for government policymakers for seeking contemporary research concerning technology-based higher education. The overall success and the failure of all the innovations and the techniques must be shared among the community of researchers for a better understanding and their role to contribute to handling the identified issues.

Recommended Topics
1 Future Trends in Information Technologies.
2 Distance Education.
3 Learning Object Repositories and Students learning Path.
4 Instructional Technology.
5 Information and communication Technology
6 English Education and Linguistics.
7 Knowledge Discovery in Education.
8 Technology Influence on Students Behaviour.
9 Mobile learning and Challenges.
10 Technology based Adult Education.
11 Flipped classroom Technologies.
12 MOOC impact on Higher Education.
13 E-learning Challenges and Future.
14 Intelligent Learning System.
15 Educational Data Mining Techniques.
16 Semantics and Intelligent Systems
17 Blended learning at Tertiary Level

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Emerging Research for Improving Modern Education System & Society on or before September 15, 2020. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.

All inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Dr. Zameer Gulzar
Guest Editor
International Journal of Adult Education and Technology (IJAET)