Calls for Papers (special): International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE)

Special Issue On: Business Strategies, Social and Economic Behaviours in the Conditions of the Global Lockdown

Submission Due Date

Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Iryna Sekret, Committee Chair of IATELS, International Association for Technology, Education and Language Studies, Turkey

The special issue is focused on the business strategies, social and economic behaviours in the conditions of the global lockdown.

Starting from February 2020 the global community has been experiencing unprecedented situation of all the countries lockdown due to the pandemic of Covid-19.

Due to the measurements restricting face-to-face communication, businesses, communities and nations have been experiencing significant problems in keeping on their life-styles and traditional work schedules and dynamics. Many of them have been looking for the scenarios to adjust to the changed conditions and transfer all personal and business communications online. Some businesses had to close down due to the unsustainability of their business models and relations under the conditions of the global lockdown. The time of the global pandemic posed a challenge which had to be coped with at all levels of the human being’s functioning, starting with the family as the smallest societal unit and coming up to the international businesses and markets.

The global lockdown caught the society unprepared for the drastic changes and revealed enormous problems in functioning of micro and macro communities, at the level of the personality, society, national and international businesses and politics.

This issue is aimed to develop a platform for exchanging and discussing practices and scenarios, experienced during the period of the global lockdown to prepare the international business communities for new possible challenges. The studies on business management in crisis can be also helpful for the international communities to develop flexible models of business and social relations and behaviours.

Recommended Topics
• Business and Economic Strategies in the Global Lockdown;
• Social, Economic and Political Processes;
• Social Distancing and Personality;
• Communicative Strategies and Behaviours;
• Societal Processes and Behaviours;
• Social Media: Roles and Functioning in the Conditions of Social Distancing;
• Business Solutions in Crisis;
• Technological Solutions for Businesses;
• National and International Economics;
• Transferring Business Online;
• Functioning of the micro communities: family, organisation, formal and informal units.

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Business Strategies, Social and Economic Behaviours in the Conditions of the Global Lockdown on or before October 15, 2020. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.

All inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Prof. Dr. Iryna Sekret
Guest Editor
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE)