International Journal of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (IJQSPR)

Submit a Paper to the International Journal of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (IJQSPR)

Published Continuous Volume. Est. 2016.

The International Journal of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (IJQSPR) is a new journal that will explore the latest research surrounding the topic of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) models and the applications of these models across the fields of materials science, chemical engineering, pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, toxicology (including ecotoxicology), and agricultural sciences, among others. The cross-disciplinary applications of QSPR models featured within IJQSPR make this journal an ideal reference source for chemists, researchers, professionals, engineers, and graduate-level students across industries.

Effective from Volume 6, the Journal also welcomes research on application of chemometric methods and machine learning algorithms in analyzing chemical, biological, toxicity, property and omics data.
ISSN: 2379-7487|EISSN: 2379-7479|DOI: 10.4018/IJQSPR
The International Journal of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (IJQSPR) ( explores the latest research surrounding the topic of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) models and the applications of these models across the fields of materials science, chemical engineering, pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, toxicology (including ecotoxicology), and agricultural sciences, among others. The cross-disciplinary applications of QSPR models featured in the journal makes IJQSPR an ideal reference source for chemists, researchers, professionals, engineers, and graduate-level students across industries.


The mission of the International Journal of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (IJQSPR) is to present double-blind peer-reviewed research articles on all facets of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) models and applications. In presenting key research in the field of chemical research, IJQSPR aims to advance the current literature available across various chemistry disciplines and serve as a foundation upon which future research on QSPR can evolve.


The journal invites new and original research articles and authoritative review articles in all areas of QSPR studies for consideration, with special reference to:

  • Biological Applications
  • Chemical Applications
  • Chemical Properties
  • Chemometric Modeling
  • Drug Design Applications
  • Environmental Fate Modeling
  • Material Property Modeling
  • Molecular Modeling
  • Physicochemical Properties
  • Predictive Toxicology
  • Property Modeling
  • Risk Management Applications
  • New Software Development for QSAR/QSPR Applications
  • Development of New Descriptors and/or Validation Metrics


Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished article manuscripts will be considered. Interested authors must consult the Journal Guidelines for Manuscript Submission at PRIOR to submission. Any further questions may be answered at All article manuscript submissions will be forwarded to at least three members of the editorial review board of the journal for a double-blind peer review. The final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers.

Starting January 1st, 2023, this journal will be converting from Hybrid Open Access to full Gold Open Access, meaning from January 1st, 2023 onward all of its published contents will be 100% open access and the copyright of the published work will stay with the author(s) ((Note: IGI Global open access journal article manuscript publishing offers authors the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licensing arrangement. The copyright for the work remains solely with the author(s) of the article manuscript), and the publisher will provide the published contents free of charge globally (there will no longer be subscription fees or payment of any kind required for individuals and libraries to access and utilize the published contents).

Once the journal is converted to Gold Open Access in 2023 and will no longer have subscription revenue backing it, the journal will be heavily reliant on Open Access Article Processing Charges (APCs) payment provided by either the author(s) or his/her/their respective institution or another funding agency, AFTER the article manuscript submission has been through a full double-blind peer review and the Editor-in-Chief at his/her full discretion has decided to accept the manuscript based on the results of the double-blind peer review process. The APC will offset the costs of all of the activities associated with the publication of the article manuscript, including the digital tools used to support the manuscript management and review process, the typesetting, formatting and layout, online hosting, the submission of the journal’s content to numerous abstracts, directories, and indexes, third party software (plagiarism checks), editorial support which includes manuscript tracking, communications, submission guideline checks, communications with authors and reviewers, as well as all promotional support and activities which includes metadata distribution, press releases, promotional communications, web content, ads, fliers, brochures, postcards, etc. for the journal and its published contents; and the fact that all published articles will be freely accessible and able to be posted and disseminated widely by the authors.

The Article Processing Charge (APC) for this journal is currently set at $1,300 USD and authors will not be asked to provide payment of the APC fee (directly to the publisher) until AFTER their manuscript has gone through the full double-blind peer review process and the Editor-in-Chief at his/her full discretion has decided to accept the manuscript based on the results of the double-blind peer review process. Please note that there is absolutely NO correlation between the APC (Article Processing Charge) being paid by the author and the results of review process outcomes.

For more information on APCs and Open Access Publishing please visit IGI Global’s open access publishing page here, and also it is recommended to read the following article published by Web of Science, “A researcher’s complete guide to open access papers”.

All inquiries should be directed to the attention of:

Dr. Mihai Viorel Putz
Interim Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships (IJQSPR)