3Rs Management: Advances and Innovations in Waste Management and Treatment

3Rs Management: Advances and Innovations in Waste Management and Treatment

Sunanda Vincent Jaiwant, Dheepa T, Ajitha Haridasan
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4054-7.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The increasing industrialisation and fast growth do not only pose problems related to the allocation of resources and powers, but also severely challenge the natural environment. Environmental degradation such as contaminated water, sinking groundwater levels, unhealthy soils, and polluted air has become a harsh reality in many parts of the world. One result of a rapid urbanisation, a slowly reducing gap between urban and rural, changing consumption patterns, and a growing population is the problem of waste. However, although it is the duty of the urban local bodies (ULBs) to address the issue of waste, tight budgets, inefficient organisation, has rendered a situation that has little hope for alleviation in the near future. This chapter aims to understand the concept of waste management through 3Rs. The focus is to identify the contemporary 3Rs practices and also develop advanced strategies for the same.
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