A Pragmatic Regulatory Framework for Artificial Intelligence

A Pragmatic Regulatory Framework for Artificial Intelligence

Karisma Karisma
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7927-5.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The application of AI technology in different sectors can intrude on the data subjects' privacy rights. While the data protection laws attempt to regulate the use and processing of personal data, these laws obstruct the growth and development of AI technology. Current regulations are unable to cope with the AI revolution due to the pacing problem and Collingridge dilemma. In view of the regulatory gaps and the complexity of technology, there is a strong justification to regulate AI technology. It is increasingly important to safeguard privacy without encumbering AI technology with regulatory requirements that will hinder its progress. With the convergence of AI and blockchain technology, privacy challenges are exacerbated. In this chapter, several types of regulations will be analysed to decipher a suitable regulatory framework for AI. This is to ensure effective regulation of AI and to allow AI to flourish with the use and application of blockchain features.
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Roger Brownsword and Morag Goodwin defines regulation as “encompassing any instrument (legal or non-legal in its character, governmental or non-governmental in its source, direct or indirect in its operation and so on) that is designed to channel group behaviour”.(Brownsword & Goodwin, 2012) The application of AI is subject to existing laws, namely consumer rights laws, human rights laws, and data protection laws. However, these laws may be unsuitable to address various concerns and issues that arise, because they are devised around a “socio-technical context” of the distant past.(Clarke, 2019)

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