A Study of Green and Risk-Resilient Supply Chain Strategy: Analysis of the Best Innovative Practices of Fortune Global 500 Companies

A Study of Green and Risk-Resilient Supply Chain Strategy: Analysis of the Best Innovative Practices of Fortune Global 500 Companies

Renuka Deshmukh
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5879-9.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


With the rapid development of the economy, environmental problems have become increasingly prominent. Environmental pollution and degradation have become global problems. Environmental problems, such as global warming, ozone depletion, smog, and water pollution, have largely affected economic development and social progress for the next generations. With the increase in the number of people and the consumption of resource-based companies, coal, oil, natural gas, and other non-renewable energy sources are gradually decreasing or even being depleted. The use of these non-clean energy sources exacerbates the deterioration of the environment.
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Consequences Of Climate Change

The historical data on precipitation, heatwaves and streamflow shows the increasing trend in global warming (Dai, 2013). One of the significant consequences of climate change is global warming, cascading into droughts as well as floods. This is found to be profoundly influencing food supply chains in terms of food availability (Conway et al., 2015), food loss, and wastage (Devereux, 2007). Furthermore, the mining and logistics sectors will face a significant impact from rising (sea) water levels (Cazenave et al., 2014). As a consequence of climate change, sources of non-renewable sources (e.g. petroleum, coal, natural gas) and metal ores will significantly influence the manufacturing and transportation sectors. Climate change

The need of the hour for the corporate is to rethink and intensely take into consideration their supply-chain susceptibility and revelation to generate effective mitigation and business-sustainability continuity plans.

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