A Study on Information and Communication Technology Skills of LIS Professionals in Management Institutions of Tamil Nadu

A Study on Information and Communication Technology Skills of LIS Professionals in Management Institutions of Tamil Nadu

P. L. Solaipriya, M. Suresh
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8051-6.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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The importance of information and communications technologies (ICTs) as powerful tools for socio-economic development is now widely acknowledged not only among large corporations but small business enterprises as well. However, for ICT to be effectively deployed as engines of economic development existing IT skills gap both in developed and developing countries must be addressed. The present study covers the library and information science (LIS) professionals of 90 management institutes of Tamil Nadu. The present study attempts to study the ICT skills of LIS professionals working in these institutes.
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Ahmed and Rehman (2016) surveyed the level of ICT Competencies ICT competencies, and the training needs for updating these competencies among library professionals in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It also looks at the various approaches utilized by these professionals for acquiring ICT skills and problems faced by them in this regard. Descriptive survey research method has been used for conducting this study.

According to Thanuskodi (2011), students have to read books other than textbooks to improve thinking and other cognitive activities. An individual's interests are determined to a considerable extent by the amount of textual materials consumed and the intensity with which he will pursue his reading activity. By reading books, one gets confirmation or rejection of one's own ideas, which in turn increases the knowledge level of the reader. In addition, reading provides people with a sense of values, which enable them to discriminate between what is acceptable in the society and what is not.

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