About Masters in Distance Education Experts for E-Learning Systems

About Masters in Distance Education Experts for E-Learning Systems

Dietrich Brandt, Alexander Andreev, Vladimir Kukharenko, Aleksey Kochetkov, Ludmila Uljanchenko
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9489-7.ch012
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Education is one of the most important issues in today's world. We are living in knowledge driven societies. Students learn everything from primary school all through university. They always want to improve themselves at each stage of this education process. When they finish their Bachelor education in university, they start to search for new improvements. Master programs help them, and they offer specializing in one certain area. These Master programs offer new possibilities, thus students want to be participants of them and make their own future better. Society needs such brilliant minds in order to develop further. Today, however, we can see many students from all over the world quitting their studies after their Bachelor. Many of them may be called brilliant, and they would want to continue to develop themselves further. But they start working instead of continuing their Master program. In chapter provides ideas and suggestions on the organization of training of Distance Education Experts (DEE) using the experience of HHH University in Cloud University.
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Many students from different countries or regions have difficulties to achieve the quality of education they would need today in industry internationally. Furthermore there are these observations that our educational systems are largely based on theoretical learning while companies require students with experience and knowledge on how to cope with the real work environment. Obviously there is this difference between what we are learning and what companies want. It seems that the strongest purposes of Higher Education Institutions are research and education instead of fulfilling actual needs of specific competences in industry. In academia there is a tendency to teach only those competences which they are equipped to teach; the university appears as a comfort zone and it does not want to move outside that comfort zone in order to offer new and innovative programs. Thus there is this gap between the educational programs currently being offered and the requirements of enterprises. After our exams, the companies are suddenly responsible for our further education and development without being really prepared for it. This gap needs to be narrowed or eliminated. One step in this direction can be achieved by providing a better match between needs of industry and the competences offered by education through establishing a more continuous dialogue between industry and university concerning these requirements. As a first step, all programs should include additional subject categories in order to satisfy industry needs, such as communication, teamwork, mentoring, leadership, finance and training. Education is not only about knowledge, but also about attitudes and values; it also means preparing for professional skills. The above is especially true when learning of Distance Education Experts (DEE). As Vardan Mkrttchian, Chief Execute of HHH University, Australia, emphasizes: Effectiveness of distance learning depends on those teachers who have been working with students on the Internet, it should be teachers with universal preparation: owning modern pedagogical and information technologies. Unfortunately, now is not conducted professional training of this kind, most are self-taught (Lepkova & Mkrttchian, 2012).

In our era of globalization, technology does not know what national borders actually are. The walls protecting our systems of education might also gradually be falling. At least, they are definitely shaken up at this moment. Nowadays we are witnesses of competition and globalization of markets which have increased tremendously. Thus companies will inevitably focus on obtaining students who master such skills and competencies which will improve the companies’ position in the global markets. Therefore we need fundamental changes within the educational systems which will certainly not happen overnight. These are the facts which we would like to change by providing a new experience-based Study Program for Masters of Distance Education Expert in Cloud University. The program would be free of charge and based at Triple H-AVATAR Technology The technology of modeling and simulation based on known technology of Avatar used in the HHH University since 2010 (Mkrttchian, 2015). . The program would include, firstly, an online education system which would develop further the students ‘theoretical knowledge. We have realized that about all knowledge in today‘s Master programs can be gained by using the internet. It is all there in the Cloud University same is HHH University. There are „the rather good free online courses ... from Harvard, MIT, Stanford or Berkeley «and many others which would be covering the DEE materials for Master-equivalent studies. They are even advertised today openly in TV and Radio programmes around Europe. For students and other users of all kinds, free of charge.

There is, secondly, the proposal to connect the students with companies worldwide: by working on company projects and by solving their cases, the students can gain practical experiences and they could earn some money at the same time. There would be international groups working on these case studies or a project which means not only team work and international relations but new experiences in communication, cooperation and leadership for all students. Thus we develop our skills to a much higher level.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Online Multi-Cloud Platform Lab: Laboratory on the Internet, which is available on the multi cloud platform and intended for research, training and development of forecasting.

Virtual Research Environment: The space where with the help of virtual reality creates a special environment for research.

Triple H-AVATAR Technology: The technology of modeling and simulation based on known technology of Avatar used in the HHH University since 2010.

Moderator Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent moderator in an online environment.

Functional Modeling Software Platform: A specification software designed to be used modeling of the risk management process of Enterprise Resource Planning on lab Multi-Cloud Platform has allowed us to solve the problem of compliance, as well as to identify modern and future issues, concepts, trends and solutions IS&T throughout the software life cycle.

Researcher Avatar: Personalized graphic file or rendering that represents a computer user used to represent researcher in an online environment.

Indicator of Sliding Mode: The software for control virtual research space, maintain it sliding mode.

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