Access Control, Authentication, and Authorization

Access Control, Authentication, and Authorization

Joseph Kizza, Florence Migga Kizza
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-379-1.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


If we were not to allow users into the system, then we would have no problems of security. However, the system would not be utilized, hence, useless. The system must be used, and there must be security. This means we must find a way to access and authenticate users. This way we improve on the security of the system. In this chapter, we focus on three major security mechanisms from our pool of security mechanisms. We cover access control, authentication, and authorization. Before we continue, however, let us define the working terms.

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