Agile Knowledge-Based E-Government Supported By Sake System

Agile Knowledge-Based E-Government Supported By Sake System

Andrea Ko, Barna Kovács, András Gábor
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3619-4.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The evolution of e-Government services is fast. There is a limited time for adaptation to the new environment in terms of legislation, society, and economy. Maintaining reliable services and a secure IT environment is even more difficult with perpetual changes like mergers and acquisitions, supply chain activity, staff turnover, and regulatory variation. Nature of the changes has become discontinuous; however, the existing approaches and IT solutions are inadequate for highly dynamic and volatile processes. The management of these challenges requires harmonized change management and knowledge management strategy. In this paper, the selected change management strategy and the corresponding knowledge management strategy and their IT support is analysed from the public administration point of view. SAKE project (FP6 IST-2005-027128 funded by the European Commission) approach and IT solution are detailed to demonstrate the strategic view and to solve the knowledge management and change management related problems and challenges in public administration. The current situation of economic downturn and political change forces public administration to follow the reconfiguration of existing resources strategy, which is appropriate on the short run, moreover the combined application of personalization and codification strategy can result in long-term success.
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Setting The Stage

Change management, knowledge management and information technology are overlapping each other, they are interwoven in practice. The change management strategy applied by the organization influences the types of knowledge that it will draw upon, which will take effect on the knowledge management strategy, which, in turn, determines information technology used in the organization.

This section discusses the nature of changes and change management issues, main knowledge management strategies, and relationships between change and knowledge management strategies while highlighting their IT support.

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