Agreements Treaties and Negotiated Settlements Database

Agreements Treaties and Negotiated Settlements Database

Marcia Langton, Odette Mazel, Lisa Palmer
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-058-5.ch089
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The Agreements Treaties and Negotiated Settlements (ATNS) database ( is an online gateway and resource that links current information, historical detail and published material relating to agreements made between indigenous peoples and others in Australia and overseas. Designed for use by indigenous and other community organisations, researchers, government and industry bodies, the ATNS database includes information on agreements not only relating to land, but those made in the areas of health, education, research, policy and indigenous relations. Since its public launch in 2003, the database has become an important research facility and is the only resource of its kind in Australia that demonstrates the range and variety of agreement making with indigenous peoples in various jurisdictions.

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