AI Learning and Work Attitude Mediation Between Reward and Organizational Support in Ethiopia

AI Learning and Work Attitude Mediation Between Reward and Organizational Support in Ethiopia

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5578-7.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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The chapter's main focus was to analyze the mediator role of employee work attitude and AI-based re-enforcement learning in between employee psychological intrinsic reward system and organization perceived organizational support in context of Ethiopia. Study area was selected as textile industries working in industrial park of Ethiopia on the basis of their contribution to the GDP of the economy. Explanatory research design and quantitative research approach were used. A multistage sampling technique was implied. With AMOS software, exploratory confirmatory analysis was conducted to measure discriminate and convergent validity. It was found that in absence of AI-based re-enforcement learning and employee work attitude as a mediator relation between employee psychological intrinsic reward system and organization perceived organizational support was very weak. Therefore, employee work attitude and reinforcement learning (AI) behave like full mediators between psychological intrinsic reward and organization perceived organizational.
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