Amalgamating Ontological Modeling with Bluetooth Service Discovery

Amalgamating Ontological Modeling with Bluetooth Service Discovery

Maria R.Y. Lee, Ching Lee
Copyright: © 2004 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-281-7.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter introduces ontology conceptual modeling for discovering Bluetooth Services in m-commerce. Discovery services in a dynamic environment, such as Bluetooth, can be a challenge because Bluetooth is unlike any wired network, as there is no need to physically attach cables to the devices you are communicating with. Regular Bluetooth service discovery protocol may be inadequate to match different service naming attributes. To support the matching mechanism and allow more organized service discovery, service relation ontology is proposed to extend and enhance the hierarchical structure introduced in the Bluetooth specification. Frame-based and XML-based approaches are used to codify the service relation ontology, which represents the relations of service concepts. A semantic matching process is introduced to facilitate inexact matching, which leads to a situation in which a simple positive or negative response can be meaningful. The Bluetooth ontology modeling represents a broad range of service descriptions and information. The semantic matching process improves the quality of service discovery. We believe that Bluetooth wireless networks’ amalgamation with the ontology conceptual modeling paradigm is a necessary component of creating a new path in the field of m-commerce infrastructures.

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