An Analysis of Green Retailing for Sustainable Business Through Digital Technology Application in Indian Retail Market

An Analysis of Green Retailing for Sustainable Business Through Digital Technology Application in Indian Retail Market

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5673-9.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter aims to analyze the green retailing methods adopted in various retail business organizations for a sustainable environment. In this connection, retail business organizations have started using advanced technology for their day-to-day operational processes in the Indian retail industry. Green retailing processes such as billing the commodities, delivery of goods, digital signage, in-store digital security systems, pest controls in supermarkets, product briefing through digital standee and customer service kiosks. The Indian retail industry has to draw in major investments from both domestic and international companies to grow into a thriving industry. This study found that the most effective sustainability initiatives develop with a thorough comprehension of the regional business environments. It will be necessary to modify these international best practices to fit the Indian market to replicate the success of some environmental sustainability projects from international markets.
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