An Evaluation of Sohar University GFP Students' Performance in Writing: A Pedagogical Perspective

An Evaluation of Sohar University GFP Students' Performance in Writing: A Pedagogical Perspective

Soufiane Trabelsi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6619-1.ch020
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter reports on a cross-sectional evaluation of the EFL writing abilities of Sohar University GFP (General Foundation Program) students. A representative sample of students (from elementary, pre-intermediate, and intermediate levels) and teachers is included with a corpus (i.e. content) analysis of students' writing assignments. The researcher also analyzes samples of intermediate students' writing portfolios. Thus, triangulation is drawn on by employing a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods in order to find answers to the major concern relating to what type of writing abilities Sohar GFP students have. A summary is offered of the implications and recommendations based on analysis and discussion of the findings.
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The Situation Of English In Oman

Oman can be considered as an example of countries in Kachru’s so-called Expanding Circle (1992). English has the status of a foreign language. But it is acknowledged by the government to be important for developing the country's economy since it a main tool for Omanisation or the gradual replacement of skilled expatriate manpower by locals (Al-Issa, 2005). In addition, English has institutionalised domains such as business, science, technology, education, and the mass media. Hence English teaching has been receiving considerable attention and legislative support from the government. The National English Language Policy (NELP) stresses the importance of English language teaching, as the following quotation from it emphasizes:

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