An Update on Mobile Broadband Availability in the United States

An Update on Mobile Broadband Availability in the United States

Thomas V. Church, James E. Prieger
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9787-4.ch107
(Individual Chapters)
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The availability of broadband, both fixed and mobile, has been studied systematically by many authors. Previous waves of the FCC data examined here have been explored by Grubesic and Murray (2004), Prieger (2003, 2013), Prieger and Church (2012), Prieger and Lee (2008), and Xiao and Orazem (2005). General findings include the following: rural areas and other areas with lower population density are likely to have fewer broadband providers, as are areas with lower income. Perhaps surprisingly, after controlling for other socioeconomic factors, areas with more minorities typically have either the same number of providers or more than otherwise comparable areas with fewer minorities.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Linear Spline: A piecewise-linear function that is connected at so-called knots. Splines are used in regression specifications to relax the assumption that a regressor affects the conditional mean of the dependent variable only in a strict linear fashion.

M-commerce: Mobile e-commerce.

IP: Internet Protocol, the method by which data is transmitted from one computer to another on the Internet.

Mbps: Megabits per second.

Elasticity: In economics, the elasticity of numeric variable Y with respect to numeric variable X is the percentage change in Y when X increases by one percent.

PSTN: The legacy Public Switched Telephone Network, also known as the network enabling POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service).

B2C: Business to consumer. Frequently used to refer to online retailers selling directly to consumers.

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