Another Kind as First Person

Another Kind as First Person

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8217-5.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter introduces first person as an artificial entity. Firstly, first person will be defined by using the notions in chapter 6 and chapter 7. Also, the functions of first person will be argued and studied as a point of views of the mechanisms. Secondly, the functions of first person will be transformed into a computer system by using a rough modal method (not The Fourier modal method). This method is simply to replace a function of first person that is discovered as described in chapter 6 and chapter 7 into a modal function of a computer system as an artificial entity. Some part of the previous chapters will be repeated for the arguments to go smoothly.
Chapter Preview


The reasons why the one has the symptoms as mentioned in the previous chapter are presented as following:

  • 1.

    In the bed during sleep, the one always (no alternative) has Rapid Eye Movement (REM).

This phenomenon is quite unusual with a reason why a deep sleep does not come up to. Also, REM state is usually brought to a person ten or twenty minutes after sleep or sometime before waking up.

From these facts about REM, this phenomenon will be understood as follows.

  • a.

    The one is simply dreaming all the time.

  • b.

    The brain of the one has been repairing one’s own brain all the time during REM sleep by reflecting necessary neuron connections in the prefrontal cortex.

    • 2.

      In the REM, the one groans and sometimes screams.

he one seems not to understand and not to recognize the outside the world including the second person. So, this phenomenon may be understood that the only first person comes up to the one in this REM state.

  • 3.

    If the one is woken up in the REM by calling the one’s first name, the one instantly wakes up without any trouble and bewilderment.

This shows that the one does not have deep sleep at all. The one is always in REM state when the one is asleep. This is quite unusual.

  • 4.

    As soon as the one lies down on bed, the one instantly starts being in REM.

This phenomenon may show that the prefrontal cortex is in trouble. This phenomenon also may show that mainly the cerebellum is working. The cerebrum seems not working perfectly well in treating the information from the cerebellum, so that the REM state comes up to do for repairing some ill parts of the prefrontal cortex.

  • 5.

    When the one groans and screams, only the craws in the distance answer (not for sure) (?).

(This is a kind of laugh. But it seems so!)

  • 6.

    For more than a year, the one does not have deep sleep (always REM).

This may show that this phenomenon is not the state that had happened only once.

As a primitive and basic human brain structure, the following tissues (parts of brain) are considered in this case:

  • 1.

    Cerebellum as the very primitive desires and the life maintenance movements,

  • 2.

    Cerebrum as the advanced neuron processes including the prefrontal cortex by receiving the neuron information through cerebellum,

  • 3.

    Frontal lobe as the main part in voluntary movement for human behaviors,

  • 4.

    Prefrontal cortex as the advanced neuron processes for human behaviors,

  • 5.

    Five senses (there are more Senses but here uses main five senses).

As a neuron signal information flow of the brain in this case, the followings will be generally considered.

  • 1.

    Information (neuron signal) flow inside brain.

    • a.

      Case 1: Cerebellum → Frontal lobe (Primary Motor Cortex + 5 Senses) → Action

Key Terms in this Chapter

DU: Desires Unit. Some kinds of desires continuously flow out to.

SU: Senses Unit.

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