Anthropometry Devices: A Comparative Study

Anthropometry Devices: A Comparative Study

Julian Israel Aguilar-Duque, Guillermo Amaya-Parra, Victor M. Juarez-Luna, Diego Tlapa, Ulises J. Tamayo, Ana Y. Tovar-Hernández
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5234-5.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter exposes a comparative research of different anthropometric equipment that has a patent register, comparing analogic devices versus digital devices, with the aim to define the relevance and status of the anthropometric devices. The methodology used in this project is integrated in three stages. The first stage is a documental analysis research of the anthropometric patents devices registered in international offices with the aim to identify the anthropometric devices patented. The second stage is the description of the characteristics, features, and functionality for every anthropometric device founded during the first stage. Finally, the third stage is the generation of a matrix with similarities of the devices with the aim to have a comparison between the devices. As a result of this research, it was possible to describe the characteristics of 14 devices used to define anthropometric devices as well as their futures and utilities.
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Ergonomics have been used as a strategy to improve the manufacture and service systems. This research has focused their efforts on determining the impact of many variables that affect the performance of humans during work activities. Cavassa (2006) mentions the effect of the importance of dimensions in work areas. In other words, from the ergonomists point of view, study the measure of the human body is the key to design the environment and the equipment to humans with the aim to assure the maximum benefit and capacity of the users. In order to determine or measure these performances exist different fields associated with ergonomics, one of them and the reason for this chapter is anthropometry.

Some concepts of anthropometry are “disciple that works with a physical measure of the human body and his proportions” (Cruz & Garcia, 2001), “is a branch of a human sciences that determine the measures of human body, the shape, the strong, the mobility, the flexibility and the work capacity” (Pheasant & Haslegrave, 2005), etc. According to the concepts described above, the principal role of anthropometry is to determine body dimensions to be used in the design or re-design of equipment, workstations and also, environments used by humans.

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