Application for Comprehensive E-Government

Application for Comprehensive E-Government

Thomas Mullner, Dominik Grimm
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-947-2.ch134
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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E-government forms an essential part of the tendency toward administrative modernization as it embraces the optimization of intra-authority processes; the interface between the authority, citizens, and companies; and interauthority processes, thus leading to the realization of an e-driven informed society. The complexity of the theme results from the doing of authorities; their communication partners like citizens, companies, and other authorities; and the social and legal framework. The growing distribution and the increasing maturity of these e-government applications pose new issues calling for scientists and economists to deliver immediate solutions. Within the frame of the new public management strategy, the one-stop-shop principle—a central contact-oriented service aimed toward solving problems—has also been in the focus. The portal architecture serves to realize one-stop government for citizens, who are now able to access most various online services of different authorities from one single point to present their concerns. Apart from this, the interconnection between the internal (file) administration through online services rendered to citizens, companies, and other administrative facilities leads to an increased procedural transparency for citizens and companies and forms the basis for one-stop government.

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