Social development activities are flourishing in diversified branches of society endeavor, despite numerous hurdles inflicting on their ways that are truly cross-sectoral. They vary from providing basic human services, as such education, health, and entrepreneurship to advance maneuvers depending on the demand at the outset. However, while talking about discovering true success cases around the globe, recapitulating their thoroughfares to accumulate knowledge; and foremost, utilizing newly emerged information technology methods to archive and disseminate model cases, not many stand on their own. This has happened due for many reasons, and a few of them are; improper program design, inaccurate site selection, incorrect breakeven analysis, insufficient supply of funding, unbalanced manpower selection, inappropriate budget allocation, inadequate feedback and monitoring. Apart from them, there are many hidden parameters that are not even visible. Furthermore, these visible parameters (including the invisible) are intricately intermingled to one another in such a way that lagging of one derailed the whole project and eventually the program fail. Not surprisingly, all of these parameters depend on data and information on implemented programs or projects of which they mostly lack. Thus, lack of data and information related to their appropriateness (or inappropriateness), made them failure projects, despite devoted efforts by the implementers, in most cases. This chapter has tried to focus on data mining applications and their utilizations in formulating performance-measuring tools for social development activities. In this context, this chapter has provided justifications to include data mining algorithm to establish monitoring and evaluation tools for various social development applications. Specifically, this chapter gave in-depth analytical observations to establish knowledge centers with various approaches and finally it put forward a few research issues and challenges to transform the contemporary human society into a knowledge society.