Artificial Intelligence Methods and Applications in Aviation

Artificial Intelligence Methods and Applications in Aviation

Tetiana Shmelova, Maxim Yatsko, Iurii Sierostanov, Volodymyr Kolotusha
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6937-8.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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The authors make an analysis of the International Civil Aviation Organization documents on applications of new technology for minimizing risk and improving safety in the aviation system. ICAO defined new approaches for effectiveness in aviation – application of artificial intelligence (AI) models for the organization of collaborative decision making (CDM) by all aviation specialists (pilots, air traffic controllers, engineers, etc.) using CDM models based on general information on the flight. The AI is presented in models of decision making (DM) in air navigation system (ANS) as expert systems. The effectiveness of ANS operators' decisions depends on the rational use of intelligent automation at all stages of aircraft flight in the form of intelligent decision support systems (IDSS), with hybrid intelligence (natural intelligence), and AI in DM. Models may be used in the education of aviation specialists and in IDSSs in real flight, especially in emergencies. The chapter presents some examples of CDM models in an emergency “engine failure in flight.”
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To maintain the safe and efficient operation of aviation companies International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in its recent documents extended the existing and defined new approaches to improve the practical and sustainable implementation of preventive aviation security measures based on modern advances in information technology (ICAO, 2018). One approach is using AI systems in aviation. The first AI research was aimed at creating computers with “intelligent” behavior, scientists sought to obtain new artificial systems with abilities to perform work better than the systems with the control of a human operator named Natural Intelligence (NI). Nowadays, the range of AI technologies has expanded considerably with successful applications in many areas (Kashyap, 2019a; Izonin, 2022; Salem, 2020).

For aviation to need the efficient operation of aviation enterprises and aviation services that allows maximum use to be made of enhanced capabilities provided by technical advances to maintain safety. The IATA (International Air Transport Association) also presents the advantages of the application of the modern technologies of AI such as Machine learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Expert Systems, Vision, Speech, Planning, and Robotics (IATA, 2018). Developing AI Systems such as Expert Systems, DSS, Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS) considering new concepts in aviation need with using modern information technologies, and modern courses such as Data Science, Big Data, Data Mining, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, are relevant now.

Support for the safe functioning of aviation and ANS too is one of the most important scientific and technical problems. Statistical data show that human errors account for up to 80% of all aviation accidents (ICAO, 2004; Leychenko, 2006; National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), 2022).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Natural Intelligence (NI): Decision-making by human-operators.

Collaborative Decision Making (CDM): Collaborative DM by operators in ANS, is a joint government/industry initiative aimed at improving air traffic flow management through increased information exchange among aviation community stakeholders.

Air Traffic Management (ATM): Is an aviation term encompassing all systems that assist aircraft to depart from an aerodrome, transit airspace, and land at a destination aerodrome.

Socio-Technical Systems: A large-scale, high-technology systems, because they require complex interactions between their human and technological components; the operations in socio-technical systems generally involve high-risk/high-hazard activities; the consequences of safety breakdowns are often catastrophic in terms of loss of life and property.

Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS): Is the interactive computer system intended to support different types of activity during the decision-making including AI subsystem in the structure.

Hybrid System: Effective aggregation of Natural Intelligence (NI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in DM and IDSS.

Expert Systems (ES): Is a computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert. Expert systems are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning through bodies of knowledge, represented mainly as if–then rules rather than through conventional procedural code.

Air Navigation Socio-technical System: A complex large-scale, high-tech man-machine system, which require complex interactions between their human and technological components; the operations in socio-technical systems generally involve high-risk/high-hazard activities; the consequences of safety breakdowns are often catastrophic in terms of loss of life and property.

AI (Artificial Intelligence): Is the simulation of human intelligence processes by modeling, computer systems, and machines.

Air Navigation System: A complex of organizations, personnel, infrastructure, technical equipment, procedures, rules, and information that is used to provide of airspace users of safe, regular and efficient air navigation service.

Decision Support System (DSS): Is the interactive computer system intended to support different types of activity during the decision making including poorly-structured and unstructured problems.

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