Artificial Neural Network for Pre-Simulation Training of Air Traffic Controller

Artificial Neural Network for Pre-Simulation Training of Air Traffic Controller

Tetiana Shmelova, Yuliya Sikirda, Togrul Rauf Oglu Jafarzade
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7588-7.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In this chapter, the four layers neural network model for evaluating correctness and timeliness of decision making by the specialist of air traffic services during the pre-simulation training has been presented. The first layer (input) includes exercises that cadet/listener performs to solve a potential conflict situation; the second layer (hidden) depends physiological characteristics of cadet/listener; the third layer (hidden) takes into account the complexity of the exercise depending on the number of potential conflict situations; the fourth layer (output) is assessment of cadet/listener during performance of exercise. Neural network model also has additional inputs (bias) that including restrictions on calculating parameters. The program “Fusion” of visualization of the state of execution of an exercise by a cadet/listener has been developed. Three types of simulation training exercises for CTR (control zone), TMA (terminal control area), and CTA (control area) with different complexity have been analyzed.
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Quality training of aviation experts, including specialists in Air Traffic Services (ATS), occupied the important part in reducing the influence of the human factor (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation [Eurocontrol], 2004a). There are three types of air traffic controller (ATC) training, leading towards the issue and maintenance of an ATC license and associated unit endorsements. Initial training is the first type. ATC training phases (Figure 1) (Eurocontrol, 2004b, 2015):

  • 1.

    Initial Training.

    • a.

      Basic Training.

    • b.

      Rating Training.

  • 2.

    Unit Training.

    • a.

      Transitional Training.

    • b.

      Pre-On-the-Job Training (Pre-OJT).

    • c.

      On-the-Job Training (OJT).

  • 3.

    Continuation Training.

    • a.

      Refresher Training.

    • b.

      Conversion Training.

Figure 1.

Progression of ATC training

(Eurocontrol, 2015)

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