Assessing Institutional Support for Remote Adjunct Faculty Teaching Online

Assessing Institutional Support for Remote Adjunct Faculty Teaching Online

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6758-6.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
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Creating an inclusive culture for remote adjunct faculty teaching online involves a holistic shift to embrace contingent faculty as integral, value-added members of the institution. The first step in this shift mandates a realistic appraisal of the current “remote adjunct friendliness” status of the institution. The Institutional Inclusive Practice Appraisal: Remote Adjunct Faculty offers an actionable self-assessment to examine policies, procedures, communication, engagement opportunities and professional growth that may impact the working environment for remote adjunct faculty teaching online.
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As a community, we should seek to create an environment that is inclusive of varying perspectives. Flat out, it makes us stronger. Diversity of thoughts and experiences opens us up to new ideas or to approaching old ideas in new ways. – Kevin A. Patterson

Taken together, the chapters in this collection yield five predominant themes that can direct others in defining action to achieve a more inclusive culture for remote adjunct faculty teaching online:

  • Eliminate policy barriers

  • Implement inclusive procedures

  • Ensure effective communication

  • Increase engagement opportunities, and

  • Foster professional growth

Accordingly, our conclusion presents these five themes in the context of an institutional self-appraisal instrument designed to gauge the “remote adjunct friendliness” of current practices, and spur initiatives toward a more inclusive faculty culture; see Figure 1. While this appraisal has utility for considering the experiences of all adjunct faculty at an institution, we have emphasized the perspective of remote adjunct faculty teaching online.

Figure 1.

Institutional Inclusive Practice Appraisal: Remote Adjunct Faculty


The first step toward improving the state of remote adjunct instructors is becoming aware of the realistic conditions (for better or worse) under which they work at our institutions. The following self-appraisal will assist with assessing the culture of remote adjunct inclusivity at an institution, accompanied by questions that should be considered when seeking to improve upon the existing state.


Institutional Inclusive Practice Appraisal: Remote Adjunct Faculty

Eliminate Policy Barriers

The first theme relates to institutional policies and the importance of assessing how remote adjunct faculty teaching online experience institutional policies. These policies encompass those related to employment, such as completing employment paperwork, obtaining usernames and passwords to institutional systems, and accessing payroll systems. Policies specific to teaching and learning must also be examined through the perspective of the remote adjunct faculty member, including access to the institution’s bookstore for textbooks and the clarity and applicability of classroom policies (attendance, student learning accommodations, academic honesty, student complaints, grade appeals). While most institutions have policies specific to on-ground, hybrid, and online learning, it is often how these policies are put into action that can exclude remote adjunct faculty. For instance, if remote adjunct faculty do not have access to, or a relationship with, the administrators who process student complaints and grade appeals, then they can be disadvantaged in the mediation process. As mentioned in Chapter 7, incentives matter and policies should consider that remote adjunct instructors are attracted to institutions which offer intellectual stimulation, professional career enhancement, development opportunities, schedule flexibility, and appropriate financial compensation and rewards. Likewise, as we learned in Chapter 16, policies need to provide such instructors with appropriate expectations and requirements for teaching in the online classroom, and support through coaching and mentoring. Chapter 17 reminds us that as such policies are further refined or created, we should also avoid overburdening instructors with unnecessarily time-consuming administrative tasks. As we approach this delicate balance, we adhere to the advice provided in Chapters 18, 19, and 20 on the opportunity to utilize holistic evaluation strategies to empower remote adjunct instructors.

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