Auditing for Evaluating the Degree of Agile Practices Implementation

Auditing for Evaluating the Degree of Agile Practices Implementation

Aravind Raj Sakthivel, Jayakrishna Kandasamy, Vimal KEK
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5424-0.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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The purpose of the study reported in the chapter is to conduct agile audit comprehensively to inculcate agile culture in the organizations. A survey was conducted among 25 automotive component manufacturing organizations located in Tamil Nadu, India. The audit system consists of 149 agile indices grouped among five clusters. The focus of agile audit was to examine whether an organization had adopted agile principles and to construe the phase of agile journey the organization had reached. The audit also specifically gauges whether an organization has really implemented agile principles and the relative position of an organizations compared with other organizations.
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Literature Review On Agile Perspectives

The articles was analysed based on various views of agility measurement/evaluation/computational-methods/audit. Table 1 summarizes the objectives and approach of various agility assessment studies.

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