Automatic Ontology Construction: Ontology From Plain Text Using Conceptualization and Semantic Roles

Automatic Ontology Construction: Ontology From Plain Text Using Conceptualization and Semantic Roles

Amita Arora
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 41
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1021-6.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


World wide web has information resources even on unthinkable subjects. This information may be available instantly to anyone having Internet connection. This web is growing exponentially, and it is becoming difficult to locate useful information in such a sheer volume of information. Semantic web extends the current web by emphasizing on interoperable ontologies which are capable of processing high quality information so that the agents placed on top of semantic web can automate the work or curate the content for the user. In this chapter, an extensive research in the area of ontology construction is presented, and after having a critical look over the work done in this field and considering the limitation of each, it has been observed that constructing ontology automatically is a challenging task as this task faces difficulties due to unstructured text and ambiguities in English text. In this work an ontology generation technique is devised covering all important aspects missing in the existing works giving better performance as compared to another system.
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Ontology Development Methods

To reduce the high cost of building ontologies manually, automatic construction of ontology has been the focus of recent research. (Fekade Getahun, 2017) (Abeer Al-Arfaj, 2015) (Gillani Andleeb, 2015)

A detailed description of methodologies and approaches to address this activity is given as follows:

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