Besides the basic production achieved in any company, there is also an auxiliary production influencing the smooth performance of the basic production process. Thus, an efficient basic production is inconceivable without equipping the machines and plants with SDVs (Verifying Devices Tools), without needing the reorganisation and modernisation of machines and plants, the timely maintenance and repair of working machines and plants, etc. The repair activity is based on the repair cycle structure—technical overhauls, current repairs, overall repairs—the selected method for performing the repairs—as needed, by firm planning, after controlling the state of the machines, preventively-planned, etc.—how to perform the repairs—centralised, decentralised, mixed—etc. The modernisation and reorganisation of the machines applies the method of single indicators, the method of the indicators systems, the method of comparing costs in time and space, etc. The production of SDVs is based on their structure and classification and implies both the activity to design them based on some appropriate methods and the way to locate and structure the departments or divisions that produce SDVs. The energetic department—thermal power, electrical power, compressed air—plays a very important role in any industrial company and refers to the manufacture and use of power.
TopThe Management Of The Maintenance, Repair, Restructuring And Modernisation Of Fixed Assets
During the production process, fixed assets in industrial companies are subject to physical and moral wear. In order to remove the consequences of this wear, the creation of some organisational departments for the repair and maintenance of fixed assets is required. The employees of these departments have multiple tasks. Among these we mention: the prevention of the excessive wear of machines and tools, by performing the required repairs and by maintaining them at the normal technical and economic parameters of operation; the extension of the time of operation of machines and tools between two successive repairs and the minimisation of the duration of execution of repairs; the avoidance of accidental falls in the operation of machines and the assurance of manufacture rhythm; the performance of quality repairs, with minimum expenses etc.
According to the guidelines, three categories are stipulated (Dima, Marcincin, Grabara, Pachura, Kot, & Man, 2011), as follows: