Biometrics: Electronic Resources Management in Jaykar Library, University of Pune, India

Biometrics: Electronic Resources Management in Jaykar Library, University of Pune, India

Prakash Dongardive, Neela Deshpande
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3898-3.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In the age of information the rise in development of (ICT) Information Communication Technology and Internet, the format of documents has changed to digital. Electronic information sources have become an important part for today’s library and users. Electronic information is gaining more importance in academic activities with an extreme change in the pattern of dissemination of knowledge. Web technology provides dynamism to the electronic documents that were note possible in the essentially sequential style of presentation of printed documents. Interactive hyperlinks to related resources, links to full range of multimedia, traditional indexing, and abstracting services, etc., are some of the novelties that are common in a web document. Faculty has a vital role in providing up-to-date information with the latest technologies, so they must be skilled users of electronic information through online journals. Hence, it is worth studying the use of online journals. Suggestions have been given to strengthen existing online journals subscription, the availability of full text online journals, and accessibility, e.g., system speed and maximizing the use of online journals among science faculty members at the University of Pune.
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3. Review Of Literature

Cochenour and Moothart’s (2003) study present the study of a user survey which aimed in particular to determine whether all faculties, administrative professional and graduate student at Colorado state university supported canceling print subscriptions when they are duplicated by electronic equivalents. They sent a printed questionnaire in spring 2001 to a sample of 6968. The response rate was 10.4%. The result of this study demonstrated that although overall, 95.6% supported or strongly supported dual print/electronic subscriptions, only 74.3% supported canceling print subscriptions when they are duplicated by electronic equivalents; 25.7% opposed or strongly opposed canceling print; 77.4% supported the move electronic only subscriptions under the condition that the publisher guarantees perpetual access.

Atilgan and Bayram’s (2006) articles reports the result of a survey on the use of e-databases at Ankara University. They surveyed faculty in 2002 to determine level of awareness of digital library resources, particularly journals articles, along with their use rate, and to evaluate the preference of the faculty for specific electronic databases. They distributed a questionnaire to a sample of 3800 researchers at Ankara University, out of which 1996 (53%) usable questionnaires were returned to the investigators. The main findings were that the majority of respondents (86.5%) indicated that they knew that digital library resources exist in Ankara University. Many of the faculty members (88%) use electronic databases. Full professors (53.8%) and research assistants (55.4%) place second after associate (67.8%) and assistant (63.4%) professors in the use of electronic journals although they place first in level of awareness of the Digital library. The most preferred databases have been Web of Science, Science Direct, and EBSCO. “It seems possible that there is a positive impact of newly subscribed databases on this increased in publishing. The extent to which the use of databases can influence productivity in Ankara University might be a topic for further study,” they conclude.

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