Blending Classroom Activities with Multi-User Virtual Environment for At-Risk Primary School Students in an After-School Program: A Case Study

Blending Classroom Activities with Multi-User Virtual Environment for At-Risk Primary School Students in an After-School Program: A Case Study

Lee Yong Tay, Cher Ping Lim
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-963-7.ch072
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter documents how a group of 14 academically at-risk Primary 5 students have been engaged in academic related tasks in an after-school program mediated by a game-like 3D multi-user virtual environment (MUVE), Quest Atlantis (QA). The case study explores the possibilities and potentials of using the game-like 3D MUVE for the re-engagement of this group of academically at-risk students. From the observation notes, interviews with the studentsand students’ activities in the MUVE, the two main elements in the MUVE that have been found to engage thestudents are: ‘play and fun’ and ‘recognition and affirmation of performance.’ However, these engaging elements alone could not purposefully engage thesestudents. Non-ICT activities such as orientation tasks, support by teachers, and the careful selection of authentic assignments are necessary to further enhance their engagement with their learning.

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