Blogging Minds on Web-Based Educational Projects

Blogging Minds on Web-Based Educational Projects

Harrison Hao Yang
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-782-9.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Weblogs are radically redefining the way people obtain information and the way they teach and learn. This chapter examines issues and problems of typical Web-based educational projects as gleaned from the literature. It then reveals the potentials and advantages of the Weblog for enhancing those existing Web-based educational projects. It also proposes a new framework which integrates the Weblog as a means for Web-based educational project design, development, and implementation. Finally, it presents a case study which incorporated Weblogs in a specific Web-based educational project - the development of a professional portfolio.
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Issues, Types, And Problems Of Existing Web-Based Educational Projects

Throughout the history of technology integration, Web-based educational projects have played a central role in major educational innovations, including information literacy, inquiry-based learning, and performance-based assessment.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Project-Based Learning: Project-based learning refers to a comprehensive approach to classroom teaching and learning that is designed to engage students in investigation of authentic problems or projects. There are two essential components of projects: they require a driving question or problem that serves to organize and drive activities; and these activities result in a series of artifacts, or products, that culminate in a final product that address the driving question.

WebQuest: The WebQuest refers to an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. There are two types of WebQuest: short-term, which is completed in one to three class periods, and long-term, which is typically taken between one week and a month in a classroom setting. A WebQuest usually includes six essential components: introduction, task, process, evaluation, conclusion, and teacher page.

Webliography: The term Webliography is commonly used when discussing online resources. It is referred to as “Web bibliography”. Accordingly, a Webliography is a list of resources relating to a particular topic that can be accessed on the World Wide Web, and can be referred to in a scholarly work.

Web-Based Portfolio: Web-base portfolio refers to the portfolio which allows the portfolio developer to collect and organize portfolio evidence/artifacts in many media types, such as audio, video, graphics, text, etc. and is specifically created for and placed on the Web.

Blogfolio: To distinguish it from typical Web-based portfolios, a Weblog-based portfolio is usually called a “blogfolio”, which incorporates advantages of both Weblogs and portfolios.

Weblog: Weblog is refered as “Web log” or “blog”. A Weblog usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. In addition, the information of a Weblog can be gleaned from other Web sites or other sources, or contributed by users.

Internet Field Trip: Unlike a typical field trip which is a group excursion to a place away from their normal environment for performing firsthand research on a topic, an Internet field trip, also known as a virtual field trip, is a journey taken via the Internet site without making a trip to the actual site.

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