Building Effective Blended Learning Programs

Building Effective Blended Learning Programs

Harvey Singh
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7607-6.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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The term ‘remote learning' became very common during the COVID-19 pandemic as remote work and remote learning became common practices across the globe. Education and training programs have shifted to self-paced eLearning and virtual classrooms. Post COVID-19, even when learning returns to the physical classroom, the trend toward blended learning will continue. In this chapter, the authors explore how eLearning has evolved toward blended learning and how we can use modern technologies like artificial intelligence and learning models such as microlearning and spaced learning to improve blended learning.
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The term ‘remote learning’ became very common during the COVID-19 pandemic as remote work and remote learning became common practices across the globe. Education and training programs have shifted to self-paced eLearning and virtual classrooms. Post COVID-19, even when learning returns to the physical classroom, the trend toward blended learning will continue.

This chapter is the updated version of the article (Singh 2003). In this chapter, we explore how eLearning has evolved toward blended learning and how we can use modern technologies like artificial intelligence and learning models such as microlearning and spaced learning to improve blended learning.

The first generation of eLearning or web-based learning programs focused on presenting physical classroom-based instructional content over the Internet. Furthermore, first- generation e-learning (digitally delivered learning) programs tended to be a repetition or compilation of online versions of classroom-based courses. The experience gained from the first-generation of e-learning, often riddled with long sequences of ‘page-turner’ content and point- and-click quizzes, is giving rise to the realization that a single mode of instructional delivery may not provide sufficient choices, engagement, social contact, relevance, and context needed to facilitate successful learning and performance.

In the second wave of e-learning, increasing numbers of learning designers are experimenting with blended learning models that combine various delivery modes. Anecdotal evidence indicates that blended learning not only offers more choices but also is more effective (Harvey, 2003).

This article has two objectives:

  • 1.

    To provide a comprehensive view of blended learning and discuss possible dimensions and ingredients (learning delivery methods) of blended learning programs.

  • 2.

    To provide a model to create the appropriate blend by ensuring that each ingredient, individually and collectively, adds to a meaningful learning experience.

Badrul Khan’s blended e-learning framework, referred to here as Khan’s Octagonal Framework (see Figure 1) enables one to select appropriate ingredients ( Khan’s framework (Harvey, 2003) serves as a guide to plan, develop, deliver, manage, and evaluate blended learning programs. Organizations exploring strategies for effective learning and performance have to consider a variety of issues to ensure effective delivery of learning and thus a high return on investment.

Figure 1.

Khan’s octagonal framework


Dimensions Of The Blend

The original use of the phrase “blended learning” was often associated with simply linking traditional classroom training to e-learning activities, such as asynchronous work (typically accessed by learners outside the class at their own time and pace). However, the term has evolved to encompass a much richer set of learning strategies or “dimensions.” Today a blended learning program may combine one or more of the following dimensions, although many of these have over-lapping attributes.

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