This chapter presents an analysis of the potential of solar energy in the Mary region of Turkmenistan. On the basis of the spent calculations of solar radiation in Mary, the estimation of quantity of falling solar energy is received, accepted by the solar panels. Optimal orientation of solar panels is defined. The analysis of the received settlement and measured data on electrical energy development by solar panels is carried out, and monitoring of work of photoelectrical solar station, wind power station, and a solar collector is made as well. Within the project, an exemplary house with independent power supply was built.
Interest for renewable energy source is increasing together with demand for electricity. Hence, having a green energy is an indispensable issue of saving our planet. Since one of the main directions of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is to ensure access to affordable, reliable and modern energy for all, there are being conducted many scientific research and energy forms all over the World. As a result, the rapid growth of renewable energy interest and energy efficiency markets worldwide has led to an increased demand for expertise and higher qualifications throughout the industry, engineering bodies, project development, grid operators, administration and policy institutions. Trend for renewable energy sources (RES) is so significant that in the beginning of XXI century a place of RES within other energy sources was only 6%, while it is expected to increase up to 50-70% by 2030. Because RES plays an important role on saving ecology, reducing CO2 emissions and eliminating Greenhouse effect as well.
Having an energy from renewable sources is, of course, a perfect phenomenon. However, to do this, one needs either huge solar energy potential, high speed of wind, biomass or waterfalls. In this sense, Turkmenistan is famous for its underground wealth, huge amount of natural gas reservoir, mineral and hydrocarbon resources, and for its huge potential in solar energy. To be more specific, almost 300 days of a year, in Turkmenistan the weather is sunny during a daytime. Compared with other countries, like Morocco, Germany, Austria, France and China, which can be mentioned among experienced and leading countries in the field of renewable energy sources, this much of solar energy potential is incredible.
During presidential elections in 2017, our esteemed president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented his program in which there was included a statement about directing governmental support towards renewable energy sources in our country. In this aspect, together with demand for RES forces us to prepare engineering staff, building photoelectrical and wind power stations for conducting experiments. Therefore, at State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan, there was opened a specialty of engineering in renewable energy source in 2015. The specialty is named as “alternative and renewable energy sources”. Even if our country is rich for natural gas to get electrical energy by the help of steam and gas turbine or combined cycle power stations, in order to support the rapidly developing green energy markets and to foster cleanliness of our nature, this article includes data about installation of photoelectrical power stations, wind station and solar collectors in the region of Turkmenistan, especially in Mary city.