Calculation of Receipt of Renewable Energy Resources and Operation Modes of Power Plants

Calculation of Receipt of Renewable Energy Resources and Operation Modes of Power Plants

Baba Dzhabrailovich Babaev, Vladimir Panchenko, Valeriy Vladimirovich Kharchenko
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3645-2.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The main objective of the work is to develop principles for the formation of the optimal composition of the energy complex from all the given power plants based on renewable energy sources for an autonomous consumer, taking into account the variable energy loads of the consumer, changing climatic conditions and the possibility of using local fuel and energy resources. As a result of solving this optimization problem, in addition to the optimal configuration of the power complex, it is also necessary to solve the problem of optimizing the joint operation of different types of power plants from the selected optimal configuration, that is, it is necessary to determine the optimal modes of operation of power plants and the optimal share of their participation in providing consumers at every moment in time. A numerical method for analyzing and optimizing the parameters and operating mode of the energy complex with the most accurate consideration of the schedule of changes in consumer load and software that automates the solution of this optimization problem are also presented.
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The main driving forces for the development of renewable energy technologies in the modern world are (Fortov & Popel, 2011; Velkin, 2015; Babaev, 2003; OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin – 2015; Makarov, Grigoryev & Mitrova, 2016; Alkhasov, 2010; Energy strategy of Russia for the period until 2035; On the development of renewable energy in Russia until 2030; Eleven EU countries have already fulfilled their res development plans for 2020):

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    renewable energy resources (solar energy (Kharchenko, Nikitin, Tikhonov, Panchenko & Vasant, 2019; Panchenko, 2018; Panchenko, 2019; Panchenko, Izmailov, Kharchenko & Lobachevskiy, 2020; Kharchenko, Panchenko, Tikhonov & Vasant, 2018; Panchenko, Kharchenko & Vasant, 2019; Panchenko & Kharchenko, 2019; Panchenko, Chirskiy & Kharchenko, 2019) wind energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy of small rivers, the energy of sea waves and tides, low-grade natural and waste heat (Babaev, Kharchenko, Panchenko & Vasant, 2019; Babaev, Kharchenko & Panchenko, 2019), etc.) are practically unlimited, many times exceed mankind’s apparent energy needs and are constantly replenished;

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    the desire of oil and gas importing countries to reduce dependence on energy imports, because unlike oil, gas, coal and uranium, renewable energy resources are more or less evenly distributed across countries and regions; they are not monopolized by a limited number of countries;

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    increasing energy security and reducing political dependence on other countries;

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    concern for the environment, since the use of renewable energy does not lead to significant environmental pollution and does not lead to a change in the thermal balance of the Earth;

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    business development, creation of new jobs;

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    the development of promising new technologies, the creation of a scientific and technical reserve for the export of technologies to other countries;

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    the economic efficiency of renewable energy (in recent years).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Modeling: The study of objects on their models; building and studying models of real-life objects, processes or phenomena in order to obtain explanations of these phenomena, as well as to predict phenomena that interest the researcher.

Optimization: The process of maximizing profitable characteristics, ratios and minimizing costs.

Optimum Inclination Angle of the Receiving Surface: Inclination angle of the receiving surface relative to the horizon, which allows obtaining the maximum solar radiation flux on its surface for a given period of time.

Geographical Coordinates: Angular values (latitude and longitude) that determine the position of objects on the earth's surface and on the map.

Solar Battery: A combination of photoelectric converters (photocells) – semiconductor devices that directly convert solar energy into direct electric current, in contrast to solar collectors that which heat the coolant.

Actinometrical Data: Results of long-term meteorological observations at weather stations processed and systematized by specialized organizations in the form of climate reference books and databases.

Heat Storage System: The system of devices intended for temporary storage of thermal energy by means of various heat-storage materials and including a number of auxiliary equipment including heat exchangers, pumps, pipelines, fittings, test equipment and automatic devices, as well as other devices serving and providing the work of the heat storage system.

Heat Storage Material: Material used for the accumulation of thermal energy and may be classified according to the material class, the way of accumulation and heat release as well as from the cyclic operation.

Heat Accumulator: Device for heat accumulation for the purpose of its further use.

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